Not So Necessary functions
This week we take a look at some shadow work based off of the book The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut. I wanted to give each of us something to work on this week, including myself. I had a hard time just writing out the type nine piece for this week! Want to dive deeper into your type, and live into a more true story? You can do that here. Don’t know your type!? Take my free assessment!
Here’s what I have for you this week, I hope it finds you well!
Type 8
Avoiding and hiding your weaknesses and vulnerabilities isn’t a necessary feature of your inner world. Your ability to protect is wanted and needed but what is wanted and needed more by those around you is for you wade into the waters of those exact same things. Because you my friend will not be betrayed
Type 9
Your need to not own any strong opinion, desire and/or emotion isn’t a necessary feature of your inner world. I know you believe that it will disconnect you from those you love and trust most, but it’s the exact opposite. Because your voice, my friend, your voice is really important.
Type 1
The loud berating critiquing voice in your head isn’t a necessary feature of your internal experience. What would happen if you began to question that voice 1st? You aren’t as bad as you think… You my friend are actually quite good.
Type 2
changing who you are or hiding what you want or need to receive and/or get what you want from a relationship isn’t a necessary feature of your internal experience. what would your relationship look like if you valued your wants and needs as much as the other? Because You my friend are truly wanted, period.
Type 3
Putting your emotional world on hold isn’t a necessary feature of your internal world. On the contrary… exploring those emotions are part of who you actually are. Befriend them and it will become increasingly easier to remove the person you project to the world. Because you my Friend are valued and loved for who you are, not what you do.
Type 4
focusing on what is missing or lacking in a relationship or situation isn’t a necessary feature of your internal world. What would happen if you brought your attention back to the present moment and remembered your own positive qualities and capacity for growth? Because you my friend are seen and loved for exactly who you are.
Type 5
Constantly focusing on when or if your internal resources will be depleted isn’t a necessary feature of your inner world. Here’s why, you have an untapped potential for creating and generating more internal resources that will replenish you, especially, and you might not like this next part… when connection to others and the outside world is allowed. because your needs, my friend, are not a problem.
Type 6
Scanning the horizon for your fears and possible threats isn’t a necessary feature of your internal world. You have courage, strength, faith, power and self-confidence that is profound and wanted in this world. And when when you release the control of what could happen the rest of us get to see those beautiful things about you. Because you my friend are safe and secure.
Type 7
Not allowing yourself to open up to feeling a pain will not trap you in it and isn’t a necessary feature of your inner world. On the contrary! When you do open yourself to the darker feelings, you begin to bring more joy into your life and the life of others. The best part… you don’t have to do it alone…. Because you my friend, you will be taken care of.